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External Examination

UTC is an educational institution that provides exam services for foreign universities, institutions or professional bodies of further education that cover a wide range of academic and vocational subjects.

We are a registered test centre for many universities and professional bodies in the UK, also for some universities in Australia, Canada and other countries to be their External Testing Centre in Indonesia. We believe that our services can help you to reduce hassle in finding appointed examination venues.   

As an international testing centre, UTC will ensure the security of the exam administration for we fully understand that in examination services, the confidentiality of test papers and booklets has become the main issue as well as following the terms and condition applied in conducting the examination. We will commit to follow the administration of examinations procedures that has been advised by each institution.

If you would like to know more about our examination services please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Andi Purwanto through  or call us at 021 2276 9824/ 25.

We are keen to do the best in helping students and institutions that need our services.

List of institutions using our service:

  • Cambridge Admissions Testing Service (BMAT, TSA, STEP etc). Link to the registration form.
  • University of London
  • Open University Australia
  • Open University UK
  • University of Queensland
  • University College London
  • Nottingham University
  • and more than 80 other universities and institutions
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